Families can use this site to:
Learn more about GKIDS 2.0 and how it will impact your child
Become familiar with the knowledge and skills on which your child will be assessed
Find ideas to help support your child’s learning at home
Understand your child's progress through the Individual Student Report
Watch the video below to learn more about GKIDS 2.0.
Big Ideas
GKIDS 2.0 is based on big ideas and learning progressions. A big idea describes kindergarten skills that are most important for success in first grade.
Learning Progressions
A learning progression shows how your child will have opportunities over the school year to demonstrate understanding of skills from least difficult to most difficult.
Learn More
Learning Target
The learning target is a skill or skills that allows the student to show what they know and can do.
The GaDOE wants to help make sure transitioning to kindergarten is a collaborative process between the community, school, teacher, child, and family.